A multi-disciplinary electronics and firmware engineering consultancy
Bluetooth Speaker

The challenge
The HiWave Tempus wireless speaker uses cutting edge technology to great effect, having a full-range BMR loudspeaker and ultra-efficient audio amplifier. The technology demonstrator had to look and play the part, being portable while producing high-resolution audio.
Our solution
Our client is a small technology company which had invented and developed both the full-range speaker (which can be sized-up) and amplifier. Recognising the need for a high-end technology demonstrator they engaged an external design agency and approved a design that enclosed everything in a domed transparent casing. Against this, we developed an electronics reference design to bring together the amplifier, a Bluetooth audio source, and Li-Ion battery management. The battery is re-chargeable and will run for 30 hours.
Obviously, it was important that the demonstrator was compact. But in engineering terms it was critical that the unit proved the loudness that can be obtained with battery power — and for the audio quality to remain perfect. Our involvement included the final design adjustments that achieved all these objectives. The finished unit packs a punch in terms of design as well as audio sound quality and output.

Technical highlights
Li-Ion Battery powered
USB charging
Ultra-efficient audio amplifier
BMR Drivers

The technology in this small demonstrator is cutting-edge. A key objective was to ensure potential buyers could immediately appreciate the sound quality and understand how easily the BMR speaker could be sized-up for other models.
Battery life
The unit required exceptional battery life without any compromises to audio quality. We achieved this with an amplifier IC of custom silicon and by controlling the power supply to minimise switching losses.
audio quality and design
The speaker is an innovative, highly efficient, high-end product in a very price sensitive market. The demonstrator looks stylish and allows potential buyers/manufacturers to see the inner workings and hear the sound quality the unit can deliver.

Red Horizon Services Limited
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The Elms, Lutton, Peterborough, PE8 5ND
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Telephone: + 44 7720 555 785
Email: chris@red-horizon.co.uk
Office Hours:
Mon to Fri 08.30 to 18.00

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